Saturday, 25 February 2012

Wats this 'Tuxedo' !##@!?

Oracle Tuxedo system is that which distributes an application between multiple platforms, databases and Operation systems using message-based communications and distributed transaction processing.

Oracle Tuxedo system provides the following:
•creation and central administration of distributed on-line transaction applications in a heterogeneous client/server environment.
•Ease of use for application developers, who do not need to know all the details about server locations, routing, or platforms used are transparent in this system.
•The fundamental underpinnings for creating, managing, and maintaining reliable, high performance, easily managed distributed systems.

Oracle Tuxedo system offers many features to accommodate the needs of the following roles of an application.

+ Administrator
+ Architect
+ Programmer

I do work as an Administrator of Tuxedo, so now in coming posts let me put in detail about Administration of Tuxedo Application.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Whats MIDDLEWARE?!!#@!!

Middleware is a layer of software that is positioned between the operating system and the application that hides the complexities of operating systems, hardware platforms, and network protocols, it is not obviously part of an operating system, and neither is it part of one software application.

It helps developers to focus on the specific purpose of their applications.

Middleware is typically a communications type of product. It provides distributed computing services through a simple application programming interface (API).